Period: middle of July, 8 days.
1.  Hydrobiological regime of different water areas of White Sea.
Marine zooplankton
Area: Srednyaya salma or Glubokaya salma strait
Purpose: to get acquainted with structure of marine epi- and hypoplankton and the structure of White Sea pelagic zone.
Main environmental factors: temperature, salinity.
Key words: pelagic zone, plankton, holo- and meroplankton, epi- and hypoplankton, thermocline, halocline, TS-curve.
Marine zoobenthos
Sublittoral benthos
Area: Suhaya salma or Glubokaya salma strait
Purpose: to get acquainted with sublittoral benthic communities structure
Main environmental factors: ‘depth’, particle size distribution of soil
Benthos of lower intertidal community with macrophytes with intensive hydrodynamics and calm conditions
Area: Malyj gorelyj island, Bolshoy Keretskiy road, Suhaya salma strait
Purpose: to get acquainted with structure and distribution of intertidal benthic communities in environmental factors gradient
Main environmental factors: particle size distribution of soil, hydrodynamics intensity, redox potential
Key words: benthos, intertidal zone, particle size distribution of soil, macrophytes, mareographic level, projective cover, reserve, soft sediments, Zostera marina, hydrodynamic activity, redox potential, edificatory species.
2. Hydrobiological regime of different types of continental water bodies.
Lakes and rivers systems of Karelia
Biotic diversity of lakes and rivers systems of Karelia.
Area: Letnyaya river system (lakes, stream)
Purpose: to estimate influence of hydrological regime on planktonic and benthic communities
Main environmental factors: flow rate
Key words: benthos, plankton, lotic and lentic systems
Lake zooplankton.
Area: Letneye lake
Purpose: to get acquainted with structure of pelagic and coastal zooplankton
Main environmental factors: temperature, background hydrodynamics, transparence
Key words: plankton, epi-, meta- and hypolimnion, thermocline, transparence, intertidal zone, pelagic zone, Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda, euphotic zone.
Lake zoobenthos.
Area: Letneye lake
Purpose: to get acquainted with zoobenthic structure of different parts of benthic zone.
Main environmental factors: temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration.
Key words: benthos, water vegetation, population, biomass, particle size distribution of sediments.
Cliff bathtubs
Ephemeral water bodies ecosystems
Area: Cliff bathtubs on Cheremshiha and Medyanka islands
Purpose: to get acquainted with characteristic features of physical, chemical and biological regime of cliff bathtubs; to estimate the influence of pH and water mineralization on biotic structure.
Main environmental factors: water bodies morphometry, height above sea level, mineralization, pH
Key words: lotic and lentic systems, plankton, benthos.